One of the reasons that Anna wanted to move back to California is that the cold winters here were painful for her. Literally. There were weeks when she nearly limped because of the pain in her feet from the cold. Starting in mid December the temperatures start to drop. We’re looking at a couple of days in the coming week that may drop to lows around zero. Those were the temperatures that really got to her. (Oddly, it’s supposed to be cold in Oakland next week, too. At least one night the lows could drop to around 29 degrees.)
One of the things that we will miss, of course, is looking out into our yard on the morning after a big snowstorm. It’s so bright, and, if the sky is blue, there’s a magnificence that’s hard to describe. The TeeVee weathercaster at our local Moline station was predicting a couple of inches of snow overnight tonight and then possibly 6 to 12 inches over Tuesday and Wednesday. The predictions during the first few weeks of the winter season are typically a little overstated (I think the weathercasters get excited) so it may not be as deep as they’re predicting.
I’ve always felt that if it’s going to be cold, we might as well have snow on the ground. In our neighborhood, with the big trees and large yards, it’s much prettier than the brown and gray colors of the winter landscape. So I say “bring on the snow.” A six inch dump might be fun, and I can get my fill of shoveling the driveway for the season.