I had dinner tonight with Adam and Tamara and their three happy children. (I’ve never known three small kids who smile so much.) We ate a very tasty carrot and feta lasagna that Tamara made, accompanied by tossed greens with apples and bleu cheese (one of my two favorite fruit/cheese/greens combinations — the other being pears, arugula, and camembert). It was nice to be with them.
Adam is professor of theatre design at Augustana and he’s designing the set, clothes, and lights for the production of Chekov’s The Seagull that I’m directing at Augustana next spring. We had a chance to discuss (over ice wine) some ideas about the production. I’ve been wanting to direct The Seagull for some time, and I’m using the script that Dakin Matthews adapted for the production in which I played Dr. Dorn in the program at ACT back in the early 1980s.
Living in the Quad Cities has presented me with a great opportunity to work in the theatre. It’s been great having the chance to direct, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Adam, Scott, and Jeff — the Augustana theatre faculty. I hope I’ll find a new outlet for my theatre interests in the Bay Area.