Fairyland is a very short walk from our apartment. During the 1970s Anna was a regular employee of the park. She worked the rides and generally looked pretty cute in her uniform. For a couple of years we lived in the same apartment building as Lewis Mahlmann. Every few weeks he’d invite us to dinner and we’e record the voices for one of his puppet shows. The dinner party was always fun and the shows were a hoot.
This week the park is celebrating the holidays:
Each December, for just one week, Children’s Fairyland is transformed into a sparkling festival of holiday entertainment. Through songs and stories, arts and crafts, Fairy Winterland celebrates the winter holidays of many cultures: Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, Diwali, and Chinese New Year. After sunset, we turn on our fairy lights and transform Fairyland into a twinkling, enchanting realm of wonder. — Fairyland Website
Be sure to take a child. I don’t think you can get into the park without one.