Back when Anna and I first knew each other she was working at Children’s Fairyland in Lakeside Park. We were living in the same apartment building as our good friend Lewis Mahlmann who was the chief puppeteer at Fairyland. Occasionally he asked us to record the voice track for a puppet show. It was a lot of fun. Anna used to work the puppets with Lewis during the show.
On other occasions we participated in programming on the park’s festival stage. This photo was taken when we were rehearsing to perform a Tarantella for one of those shows. It seems like it was just yesterday! The years have not been as kind to me as they have to Anna. (She looks pretty much the same.)
Our new apartment is just a short walk from Fairyland. I suspect we might find an excuse to wander over some day and take a peek. Fairyland pre-dates Disneyland by a few years. Rumor has it that Walt Disney visited Fairyland while he was in the planning stages for his Magic Kingdom, and that there were some features of the small, storybook based attractions in Fairyland that inspired his designs for the Disneyland. If you’ve never been to Fairyland it’s worth an afternoon. Be sure to catch a puppet show!