In my previous entry I noted the DonorsChoose project I set up for my Speaking Truth to Power unit. I’ve already received several generous donations. When I got up this morning to get ready for school I opened my in-box and found a message that I had received a new donation. The name of the donor caught my eye — Libby Schaaf. Here’s the note she left on the Donor’s Choose website along with her donation:
“I gave to this project because I am running for Oakland City Council and need to speak truth to power every day. The future of Oakland depends on dedicated teachers and inspired students — clearly this project involves both!”
Needless to say, this is a gratifying comment and it is an incredible model for a candidate for office. Just think of what we could accomplish if, instead of spending over a hundred million of her own dollars on campaign advertising, Meg Whitman were to follow Libby Schaaf’s lead and make donations to teachers and classrooms through Donor’s Choose.
Ms. Schaaf (a fellow graduate of Skyline High in Oakland, and a former volunteer at Children’s Fairyland and in Joaquin Miller Park) is a candidate that deserves your support. If you vote in Oakland’s District 4, I hope you’ll consider casting your vote for Libby!