I think this is a Snowy Egret. (Egretta thula) I snapped this pic with my phone while walking around Lake Merritt with Anna last week. There were several other birds that I need to learn to identify, too. Here in Moline the birds look a lot different. We have cardinals, which are especially pretty against the snow. And we had several varieties of woodpeckers living in the oaks in our back yard. My friend Bob was able to attract orioles, bluebirds, and purple martins. During a couple of times of the year there were white pelicans on the river. And in the winter there is a pretty big population of bald eagles nesting in the woods near the lock and dam.
Speaking of snow, we had some flurries here in Moline today. It’s a bit colder here than it was in Oakland last week. When I walked out of the grocery store at about 3PM it was coming down pretty fast and the wind was tossing the flakes every which way. I love those big fluffy flakes, especially the first few times each winter. The weather service is saying we could get a light dusting sometime tonight — but no promises.