I woke up this morning at about 6:30 and it was warm, breezy and the birds were singing. I could hear distant chimes from porches around the neighborhood. Last night’s dress rehearsal for The Seagull was good. Not without it’s little flaws, but for the slightly superstitious, the little flaws predict an awesome opening night.
After I came home from the theatre last night, Sam, a student from the Augustana Choir, texted to ask if Jon and I wanted to meet him and a handful of seniors in the choir for a drink. We decided to join them at Blue Cat for a beer. That was a nice way to put a period on this long rehearsal sequence. A glass of Big Bad Dog English Ale and conversation with some college seniors who remain optimistic about their lives even in the face of uncertain employment opportunities after graduation. Jon played pool with the guys. I chatted.
The breezy weather creates a sense of anticipation. There’s a good chance we’ll see some thunderstorms later. It’s a perfect feeling for the morning of an opening night. Today I have a stack of thank you notes to write. It should be easy — this cast has been a delight to work with. It won’t be easy to say goodbye to them. Fortunately i have someone fantastic waiting for me in Oakland to fill the space that leaving here will create in my heart.
I’ll be home soon Anna!
(P.S. I’ve been reading about the reopening of the Oakland Museum. It sounds like we need to plan a visit real soon.)